Tag: healthcare

When modern health care becomes to good and let people dwindling away in a state…

When modern health care becomes to good and let people dwindling away in a state…

When modern health care becomes to good and let people dwindling away in a state when quality-of-life has been out of the window already for a while and there is no hope on real recovery. Great piece written by Michael Wolff that actually show massive similarities with the Louis Theroux documentary about dementia (http://goo.gl/N5phP).

Great read at +The Guardian: http://goo.gl/DqRhv

#healthcare   #dementia  

Let my mother go
Michael Wolff has stood by while doctors keep his mother alive, despite the fact that she has severe dementia. Here, in this provocative and heartbreaking plea, he reveals why our obsession with longe…

When modern health care becomes to good and let people dwindling away in a state when quality-of-life has been out of the window already for a while and there is no hope on real recovery. Great piece written by Michael Wolff that actually show massive similarities with the Louis Theroux documentary about dementia (http://goo.gl/N5phP)

When modern health care becomes to good and let people dwindling away in a state when quality-of-life has been out of the window already for a while and there is no hope on real recovery. Great piece written by Michael Wolff that actually show massive similarities with the Louis Theroux documentary about dementia (http://goo.gl/N5phP)

Great read at +The Guardian: http://goo.gl/DqRhv

#healthcare #dementia

Let my mother go
Michael Wolff has stood by while doctors keep his mother alive, despite the fact that she has severe dementia. Here, in this provocative and heartbreaking plea, he reveals why our obsession with longe…