Category: Blog

If I ever have the need to share something work or non work related it will be here.

Skulls of early Homo erectus from the site of Dmanisi, Georgia, are all quite different

Skulls of early Homo erectus from the site of Dmanisi, Georgia, are all quite different

"Together with the fossilized bones of four additional individuals discovered in close proximity, the skulls indicates that populations of early Homo comprised a wider range of morphological variation than traditionally assumed, which implies a single evolving lineage with continuity across continents. "

So who knows, maybe H rudolfensis, H gautengensis, H ergaster and possibly H habilis are all H erectus! If true this would be a game changer as it could indicate that our predecessors at a specific time and place are way less similar to each other than was expected until now.

Read both papers in Science:

#science #paper #homosapiens #evolution #homoerectus #Dmanisi #palaeontology

The people of America voted, good luck with that congress!

The people of America voted, good luck with that congress!

Fifteen per cent of those surveyed “strongly agreed” with the statement, “Being torn limb from limb by a grizzly bear or devoured by a pack of rabid hyenas is too good for these people. They should be eaten, very slowly, by a colony of hungry fire ants. Yes, that’s it—fire ants. That would be amazing.”.

Read the whole thing in the +The New Yorker:

#congress #shutdown

Poll: Americans Divided Over What Wild Animal They Would Like To See Congress Mauled By
Americans gave grizzly bears the highest job-approval rating, followed by polar bears, and by brown bears in a distant third.

Finally a Nobel peace prize winner that is worth it!

Finally a Nobel peace prize winner that is worth it!

After the debacle of handing it out to the EU and a president that loves going to war this year they decided to do it differently. This year the prize goes to an organisation that is actually working on making this planet more peaceful and the recent Syria issue shows the value of these kind of inter governmental institutes. Congrats +OPCW!

#nobelprize #nobelpeaceprize

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
On 28 June 2013 the Chemical Weapons Convention entered into force for Somalia, making it the 189th State Party to the treaty. Somalia had earlier deposited its instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, on 29 May, and 30 days later the Convention entered into …

Check this out on Google+ 2 0

+T-Mobile must really hates their customers!

+T-Mobile must really hates their customers!

Why would people be happy to get text spam on their phone? Why do they sell out their clients so other companies can spam them?

That it is an opt out system says it all, no one wants your freaking spam! Leave us alone!

"Hi. Good news, as part of your T-Mobile plan you now get a free service called EE Recommends. It sends you special offers from other great brands via text. All messages are free to receive and reply to. For more info and full terms go to To opt out text STOP to 300000. Thanks."