Category: Blog

If I ever have the need to share something work or non work related it will be here.

Sequencing sewers to detect health fluctuations, sounds awesome!

Sequencing sewers to detect health fluctuations, sounds awesome!

"'Smart toilets and sewer sensors are coming'"

‘Smart toilets and sewer sensors are coming’ (Wired UK)
Advances in genomics are moving the bioengineering laboratory into the city sewers. In 2014, our wastewater systems will become smart, with automated sampling and lab-on-a-chip biosensors

Is amazed how dirt cheap these little virtual machines are these days. For 15$ having a simple node running with quite some bandwidth is not that bad, not that bad at all for little toy projects that you don't want to have interfering with your main machine

Is amazed how dirt cheap these little virtual machines are these days. For 15$ having a simple node running with quite some bandwidth is not that bad, not that bad at all for little toy projects that you don't want to have interfering with your main machine

So-far this seems like a winner for me!

#VPS #hosting #virtualmachine

BuyVM – Affordable VPS hosting with a touch of insanity
Price (USD $); 15.00/year; 3.50/month; 5.95/month; 12.95/month; 24.95/month. Order Now; Vegas / New Jersey · Vegas / New Jersey · Vegas / New Jersey · Vegas / New Jersey · Vegas / New Jersey. + Need a Windows based VPS? Check out our KVM plans + OpenVZ FAQ page | View available addons …

How it looks when your science is correct! The cosmic inflation theory was firstly described in the 1980s and now evidence has been found to support this theory. All pretty awesome news for understanding the big bang that started our universe. Well done +Andrei Linde and the #BICEP2 team!

How it looks when your science is correct! The cosmic inflation theory was firstly described in the 1980s and now evidence has been found to support this theory. All pretty awesome news for understanding the big bang that started our universe. Well done +Andrei Linde and the #BICEP2 team!

Read more +BBC News for the full background:

#stanforduniversity #bicep2 #cosmicinflation #bigbang #bigbangtheory

How the return of wolves changed Yellowstone in quite a dramatic way. Really cool to see how such a small imbalance in biodiversity can upset a region this much and how quickly nature revives when the balance is repaired.

How the return of wolves changed Yellowstone in quite a dramatic way. Really cool to see how such a small imbalance in biodiversity can upset a region this much and how quickly nature revives when the balance is repaired.

#yellowstone #wolves #biodiversity