Given all leaks and breaches happening all-the-time at almost any given platform I decided to move my passwords over to generated ones by #lastpass

Given all leaks and breaches happening all-the-time at almost any given platform I decided to move my passwords over to generated ones by #lastpass

So-far I'm a pretty happy puppy about it all, the integration with different browsers works like a charm and also (after becoming a premium member) their mobile apps seem to-do the job well.

#datasafety #passwordsecurity
LastPass is an online password manager and form filler that makes web browsing easier and more secure.

Check this out on Google+ 8 0

5 Replies to “Given all leaks and breaches happening all-the-time at almost any given platform I decided to move my passwords over to generated ones by #lastpass”

  1. I was thinking about doing this too. How does it work? I've assumed it creates a password like "fhutgxsdxcgjyggjvcggdxvhuyrrtyhv" and keeps a list of them in its password protected vault? My question is what if someone gets into your lastpass account? Can they get into everything?

  2. Yeah, it generates complicated long passwords for you (including digits, capitals, symbols etc). It is also smart enough to check if you master password (the one you need for lastpass) hasn't been used on any other website.

    For the security thing, they offer premium members this 2-step-verification so in that sense even when someone knows your master password they cannot enter your vault. But fair enough, having one central password place can make it more "dangerous".

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