Some new tools are being developed to enable people to construct a multiview experience…
Some new tools are being developed to enable people to construct a multiview experience from whatever is happening. By combining video sources and putting them in the right time frame you can get a much clearer view of how a story has been evolving.
One example of this kind of technologies and what it can do can be found here:
This is a combination of several different footages shot at the protest at Taksim, Istanbul earlier.
Rashomon Project
Sign in. Prototype: (Under Construction). The Rashomon Project: An Online Toolkit for Assembling Multi-Perspective Chronologies. A CITRIS Data & Democracy Project · Source Code About Rashomon. TIMELINE. ↑. ↓. 00:00:00. x. Metadata.
2 Replies to “Some new tools are being developed to enable people to construct a multiview experience…”
I really like this idea of combining different point of view. However there is always the problem that more sources, if not integrated will not bring more clarity.
Think for example the same example, but not using 5 sources, but 20.
All of the sudden information overload and not better information.
But of you would have 20 sources you might be able to do some smart filtering and only show specific frames from specific videos if they don't overlap others…. Though I guess that is pretty hard for ai!