Devastating effects of over prescription of painkillers can be measured in sad statistics…

Devastating effects of over prescription of painkillers can be measured in sad statistics…

Devastating effects of over prescription of painkillers can be measured in sad statistics like for the town Portsmouth, Ohio. In this town nearly 10 percent of babies are born addicted to Oxycontin according to an article in the +Washington Post

Rising painkiller addiction shows damage from drugmakers’ role in shaping medical opinion
Rising addiction to opiates is tied to pharmaceutical companies’ effort to shape medical opinion and practice.

3 Replies to “Devastating effects of over prescription of painkillers can be measured in sad statistics…”

  1. They didn't assess for withdrawal symptoms and then eliminated patients who had such symptoms, only to conclude the OxyContin doesn't lead to withdrawal? Wtf. Anyone who's taken these can immediately see they are potentially addictive. Nonsense.

  2. There's definitely some things they should have picked up on (study design for one….), though it seems to me not all of the facts were given to the FDA. The people conducting the study made some serious mistakes. <not impressed>

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