Scary privacy news from back home

Scary privacy news from back home

The government is seriously thinking about giving itself the opportunity to have access to any DNA related material hospitals or your gp has to fight crime. Of-course at the moment of introduction this would only be allowed for "serious" crimes but then again I think this is a dangerous move to make as it could seriously threaten the health of even the general public if people don't get treatment for some illnesses.

Justitie: dna ziekenhuizen gebruiken
Justitie moet in de toekomst dna kunnen gebruiken dat in ziekenhuizen wordt bewaard voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Dat wil minister Schippers.

4 Replies to “Scary privacy news from back home”

  1. As people will maybe decide not to get treatment as this could lead to a potential risk of being identified for crimes committed earlier.  

    Which could be dangerous for the society in cases like MTB or funky flues. 

  2. As people will maybe decide not to get treatment as this could lead to a potential risk of being identified for crimes committed earlier.  

    Which could be dangerous for the society in cases like MTB or funky flu.

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