Well if you get an invite why would you, even if you disagree, decline and never find out what is really happening and see if you can change the system?
I guess the general google users don't really give a shit about them going as many world leaders and business leaders do like Shell, Unilver and even the Dutch Queen without much hush from the general public.
9 Replies to “Great info graphics by +Google about rising search queries and landmarks during last year summer period.”
Interesting graphic, but what googles real landmarks are, well considering #GoogleAtBilderberg is probably something no one would like to hear.
Aw, Google finally got invited to play with the big boys? That's adorable.
+Justen Robertson the fact they went just confuses me though 😛
Well if you get an invite why would you, even if you disagree, decline and never find out what is really happening and see if you can change the system?
+Sander Timmer because it is pretty bad press I suppose, but you have a point, the problem is that it is secret, so people assume the worse.
I'd go. I'd even smuggle in recording equipment. ^.^
I guess the general google users don't really give a shit about them going as many world leaders and business leaders do like Shell, Unilver and even the Dutch Queen without much hush from the general public.
+Sander Timmer Right :), but I'm interested in everything, and he is on G+ so I thought I'd ask him 😉
+Eric Schmidt s' G+ looks pretty interesting as well. It looks like he got bored and moved to FB or something 😛